New Braunfels, Texas
Come and See Us
in the Store!
Ear Piercings
by Experienced,
Caring Professionals

About Our Ear Piercings

We always take the time to ensure a comfortable experience and perfect placement.

Our piercing system safely and quickly pierces ears in 3 easy steps using a gentle, hand pressured instrument and sterile, pre-sealed, hypoallergenic piercing earrings.​

Our staff is highly experienced with both children and adults.
Our Safety Procedures
1. Pre-sterilized earring capsules ensure the safest ear piercing possible by preventing the piercing earring and Safety Back from being exposed to possible contaminants prior to piercing. The capsules require no human contact, ensuring sterility.
2. The piercing instrument does not come into contact with the ear at any time. Only the sterile earring capsule touches the ear.
3. Our piercing instrument is not a “gun." Piercing guns are spring-loaded and loud. They “shoot” the earring through the lobe. Our human-powered instrument is designed to pierce the ear quickly and accurately in one smooth, quiet, hand-pressured motion.
4. Our exclusive Safety Back shields the sharp piercing tip from touching the skin behind the ear. It also prevents the earring back from being squeezed too tight. This provides ample space and airflow while the piercing heals.

"We were so pleased and thankful for a wonderful experience when we took our daughter in for her ear piercing. The staff was knowledgeable, friendly, so gentle, and very sweet to our 5 year old daughter. They made her feel special, and she loved every second. Thank you for a fantastic experience!!"
Meredith Google Reviews